It’s all Internet Explorer’s fault, honest

I don’t normally have access to a Windows machine. Every time I redesign my site, I run the risk of having it look completely awful in IE 6 for Windows, if not failing altogether. Well, I’m in Orillia right now, working on the redesign for this site (the new version of which should be up and running by Wednesday), and I finally had a look at this here site as it appears with IE 6 since I redesigned it last month.

Ouch. Sorry about that.

Fortunately, the site works — it just looks awful. (And the front page is even worse. Dammit.)

Once I’m done this project and am back home, I’ll have to turn to fixing it up. And maybe bite the bullet and drag Jen’s old laptop out of storage for Windows browser testing purposes.

Of course, you could all just switch to Firefox, on which this site has been tested and works perfectly.