The usual sore-but-busy update

Still alive, but still sore; it’s been a somewhat unpleasant month in that regard. Expect an Ankylose This! post on the subject of arthritis and weather shortly; I hope it abates soon, because it’s awfully nice out.

What work I’ve been doing has mostly gone to The Map Room — the anniversary, a redesign and lots and lots of posting. I’m slowly catching up on some of my other projects. I’m pleased, though, with what I’ve been able to accomplish: on days of high pain it’s hard for me to be anything but inarticulate —my recent Miyazaki post is sufficient evidence of that — so any amount of writing and coding is a good thing.

Other things are coming up, including a couple of very positive developments that I probably shouldn’t mention until they’re made final. Suffice to say that I’ll be in the thick of things during the next couple of months.