Homely office

My office got a lot more liveable this week. Anticipating a major purchase of large front-loading cages for our larger snakes, on Sunday we moved the twin bed, which had been in the snake room, to my office, and moved the bookshelves and desk around a bit. As a result, the office is much cosier and more pleasant to be in — it feels lived in, rather than camped in, if you follow me.

Having the bed here rather than there not only means that house guests won’t have to sleep next to a few dozen reptiles, some of whom are rather nocturnal (then again, that idea held some appeal to some of my friends), it also means that there’s somewhere to sit other than at my desk. Which Jen and I put to good use last night as I redesigned her site: she sat on the bed with her laptop and watched, live, as I made adjustments to the code. Went quite quickly, actually — instant feedback means a great deal.

Which is a roundabout way of saying that we worked on her site last night and there’s some new material up. Go see.

Meanwhile, our next task is to make the reptile room look a little more liveable, now that there’s a big empty spot that will not be filled by a thousand bucks’ worth of stackable cages for some time yet.